TPO ELISA Test kit
TPO ELISA Test kit Intended Use
TPO IgG ELISA test kit is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of IgG-class antibody to thyroid peroxidase (TPO) in human serum. The results of this assay are to be used as an aid to the diagnosis of thyroid disease.
TPO ELISA Kit Components:
• Microplate: 96 wells coated with purified human TPO
• HRP-Conjugated goat anti-human IgG
• Serum Diluent
• Positive Control
• Negative Control
• Calibrator A
• Calibrator B
• Calibrator C
• Calibrator D
• Wash Buffer (10X)
• TMB Chromogen/Substrate Solution
• Stop Solution (1M H2SO4, 0.7M HCL)
Method Principle
This Diagnostic Automation/ Cortez Diagnostics Inc. Human TPO ELISA test kit is designed to detect IgG class antibodies to TPO in human sera. Wells of microplate strips are sensitized by passive absorption with TPO antigen. The test procedure involves three incubation steps. For further details please refer to complete instructions manual supplied with the product.
Background Information
The thyroid microsomal antigen has been shown to be the enzyme thyroid peroxidase (TPO). Autoimmune thyroid disease is characterized by the presence of circulating autoantibodies directed to thyroid antigens. Thyroid antibodies are a characteristic finding in patients with Hashimoto’s and Graves’ diseases. The presence of thyroid antibodies in the sera of 80% of patients with these two diseases led to the recommendation that some type of thyroid antibody testing to be a feature of the work-up of any patient with a goiter. Although thyroid antibodies are predominantly associated with Hashimoto’s or Grave’s diseases, they may also be found in the sera of patients with other diseases such as myxedma, granulomatous thyroiditis, nontoxic nodular goiter, and thyroid carcinoma. TPO ELISA tests for detecting autoantibodies to thyroid antigens provide great sensitivity, objective reading, and ease of use.
For more information about ELISA Kits, Rapid Tests, IFA Kits, CLIA Test Kits, or Serology tests, please see our website home page, or contact our Customer Service Representative at 818-591-3030.
TPO ELISA Test kit Intended Use
TPO IgG ELISA test kit is intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of IgG-class antibody to thyroid peroxidase (TPO) in human serum. The results of this assay are to be used as an aid to the diagnosis of thyroid disease.
TPO ELISA Kit Components:
• Microplate: 96 wells coated with purified human TPO
• HRP-Conjugated goat anti-human IgG
• Serum Diluent
• Positive Control
• Negative Control
• Calibrator A
• Calibrator B
• Calibrator C
• Calibrator D
• Wash Buffer (10X)
• TMB Chromogen/Substrate Solution
• Stop Solution (1M H2SO4, 0.7M HCL)
Method Principle
This Diagnostic Automation/ Cortez Diagnostics Inc. Human TPO ELISA test kit is designed to detect IgG class antibodies to TPO in human sera. Wells of microplate strips are sensitized by passive absorption with TPO antigen. The test procedure involves three incubation steps. For further details please refer to complete instructions manual supplied with the product.
Background Information
The thyroid microsomal antigen has been shown to be the enzyme thyroid peroxidase (TPO). Autoimmune thyroid disease is characterized by the presence of circulating autoantibodies directed to thyroid antigens. Thyroid antibodies are a characteristic finding in patients with Hashimoto’s and Graves’ diseases. The presence of thyroid antibodies in the sera of 80% of patients with these two diseases led to the recommendation that some type of thyroid antibody testing to be a feature of the work-up of any patient with a goiter. Although thyroid antibodies are predominantly associated with Hashimoto’s or Grave’s diseases, they may also be found in the sera of patients with other diseases such as myxedma, granulomatous thyroiditis, nontoxic nodular goiter, and thyroid carcinoma. TPO ELISA tests for detecting autoantibodies to thyroid antigens provide great sensitivity, objective reading, and ease of use.
For more information about ELISA Kits, Rapid Tests, IFA Kits, CLIA Test Kits, or Serology tests, please see our website home page, or contact our Customer Service Representative at 818-591-3030.
Product Details
Catalog No:1446-2
Category:Autoimmune Disease kits
Method:ELISA: Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Principle:ELISA - Indirect; Antigen Coated Plate
Detection:Qualitative & Semi Quantitative: Positive, negative, cut off
Sample:10ul serum
Total Time:~60min
Shelf Life:12 Months from the manufacturing date